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in·ter·ac·tion (ĭnˌtər-ăkˈshən) noun 1. a. The act or process of interacting. b. The state of undergoing interaction. 2. Physics Any of four fundamental ways in which elementary particles and bodies can influence each other, classified as strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

=] this recycling project

okay so, I'm finding this project quite hard and confusing in the sense that i can't keep up with my thoughts and i know what i want to do in my head but i can't quite explain how i want it to be explained.

1) Different buildings of the college could recycle, this would be measured for a testing period of 1 term and prizes/ gifts would be issued at the end. pries and gifts would be an incentive.

2) Better, clearer (colour coded) signage for recycling.

3) Formal information written inn the next prospectus

4) Set up a partnership with other colleges or a company to help more sufficient flow of recycling or maybe they as a partnership would use, benefit or utilise our "waste".

5) Sell the old computers that our college no-longer use.
-> possibly to en-rolling students
-> staff
-> Or donate them to other companies, schools.

6) Raise an awareness of our college, the ethics made and brought to attention.
-> Maybe the mondasy of each week could be highlighted and focused on more deeply along with the general recycling done.

an information sheet was issued to us on behalf of Lisa, a member of staff at our college informing us that this week was the week to focus on the enviroment during Green Office Week. they had subheading to focus on each day of the week (baring the week-end).
MONDAY- make a start Monday"
TUESDAY- "Choose right Tuesday"
WEDNESDAY- "Waste not Wednesday"
THURSDAY- "think a head Thursday"
FRIDAY- "feel good Friday"

7) seek out the problems and issues that may arise and the college may be facing at present, then think of ways to overcome and solve them.


Friday 23 April 2010

The Bristol Children's Scrapstore

it's bright like in your face, relevant?? hm mm i could beg to differ although i do like that fact that the layout is different, creative. As apposed to being plain, bland or boring.

The layout is relevant to the viewer because the colours tones (purples, pinks, blues, with a white background and splashes of paint) children, young teens, youths in general. I feel as though this was done to draw in the younger audience get there attention to then make them want to read on and become more aware of this company, it's purpose, facilities, cause, and perhaps join, support or submit something in some way shape or form.
Full detailed information is given to then allow the reader to have a fully bodied intake and view to make a good judgement (11 icons, of hyperlinks).

i love the fact the the company utilises its resources to the full and helps other companies in order the help the Earth, community as a whole to benefit. I fell this website supports this company well! its well structured and informative, although i do feel its simplicity and lack or audio and imagery was a let down.

I like the fact that it retrieves its materials from numerous sources, not just large companies but smaller businesses right down to average home materials and unwanted goods. The contact information is easily accessible and straight forward, unlike usual websites the information is almost hidden and written in small print sometimes even placed to be found at the bottom of the page.

Downloads of more informative links and information are available(but i could not access this due to the colleges safety firewalls). The ones that i had seen where to either find out the benefits to a/your company or get a list of materials.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

=] over the easter holidays

okay so i had a bit of a mental banter of wether or not to write on my page or not... i notice that as i haven't been in the swing of college work, coursework and updating my blogger on a frequent basis as apposed to when i am in college im slow! nothing is flowing... reading back on my blogger posts leaves me with a contented grin... smile to myself as i read what i have done and jogging my memory as to what is to come.

i think i might just add more detail.. or continue on from a previous post.. only to a few of my posts becuause how i have written some of what i have wrote is not entirely how it went like (minor detail is missing :s)
