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in·ter·ac·tion (ĭnˌtər-ăkˈshən) noun 1. a. The act or process of interacting. b. The state of undergoing interaction. 2. Physics Any of four fundamental ways in which elementary particles and bodies can influence each other, classified as strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational.

Friday 21 May 2010

Meeting Record

Briefing with Suited and Booted and the Bath Film Office.

-> The Bath Film Office
"The Bath Film Office promotes and assists film-making in Bath & North East Somerset to ensure that your shoot runs as smoothly as possible." The Bath Film Office came to issue us a brief which we had to forfill.
-> Suited and Booted
Suited and Booted came to assist and mentor us in the process making our films as some of us weren't entirely capable in understanding the uses and functions of filming camera equiptment.

-> The brief we were given
The brief we where given was to make a short 'Gothic" themed film utilising Baths main attracions and scenery. Now being as bath is a well known tourist attraction this was a hard choice because we wanted to use a lot of "hot spots" but hush hour times, people, traffic and equiptment was not always availible, all this caused 'hitches and set backs'. At first we were all corcious but yet still curious, like we didn't want to throw our selves into the deep end but at the same time we all stil wanted to experiment and make sure we use what we believe to be the best places for our films to be 'the best'.

-> Bath Film Office's involvement
they came in periodically to check on our progress and gave suggestions, they helped by answering our questions and queries on any uncertancies that any of us had. they even gave us obvious solutions to minor problems that we could see for ourselves!
-> Suited and Booteds' involvement
they went through the general knowledge, terminologies and key functions of the camera equiptment. gave us quick tips and tricks that we couold incorporate and uitilise.

-> my personal ideas and involvement
the camera angles used, keeping the group motivated and bubbly when i was present, bringing a bit of everyones ideas together. in a way i took up the role of becoming like the "mother hen!", i allocated differnt roles and jobs to each group member.

-> personal questions i asked The Bath Film Office
Do you know what i really can't remember right about now but they were purposeful and valid at the time.. i like to interpret what someone has mentioned and then question it making tthe person elaborate further. Bring the question to the forefront and then making it become a topic instead and go into depth.

-> personal questions i asked 'Suited and Booted'
What interested them?
why did they do that job was it an actual passion or a 9-5?
did they work hard and struggle to get to the position they are at now or did they just apply for a job and waa hayy?

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